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NHCS Community
NHCS is not just a physical place for academic learning; it’s also a social environment that plays a crucial role in the development and growth of students. A strong school community fosters a sense of belonging, support, and collaboration among its members.
Children are the foundation of NHCS community. They make our community beautiful.
Not just parents, but the whole family of the children is a part of NHCS community.
NHCS has BC Certified teachers from Canada. They are also part of this Community.

communnity's students are
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
“Learners today, leaders tomorrow” highlights the symbiotic relationship between learning and leadership. Being dedicated learners lays the foundation for individuals to become effective, influential leaders who can make a positive difference in their communities, organizations, and beyond.
- Learning as a Foundation
- Inspiration and Influence
- Adaptability and Innovation
- Problem-Solving Abilities
- Ethical Leadership
Our School Symbol
Tree of Life
The Tree of Life is a symbol of longevity, wisdom and strength. In ancient times, when a new community was formed, a tree was planted to signify the beginning of a new life – and every student at New Horizon will be given a new tree when they register with our new school… Strong tree roots are crucial in shaping the environment. The strongest trees all have a robust root system that will provide everything needed to grow and become healthy, strong and productive; at New Horizon Canadian International School, we want our roots to be strong for our society, our school and (most importantly) our students…
Why tree of life?
New Horizon Canadian International School (NHCS) promises to pay the highest attention to cultivating global perspectives to its educational practices, and will place a high-priority to building strong community values in order to strengthen our students understanding of the world around them.

Parents' Responsibilities

we want our
Parents Involvement
At NHCS, we want the experience to be for your whole family. We want the family to get involved and find a place to belong in our community.
Parents’ Association: We wish to begin a Parents’ Association that is dedicated to bringing NHCS families together while partnering with the school. We want to keep our family members connected through a variety of social events throughout the year. The NHCS Parents’ Association provides many community-building opportunities throughout the year including:
⇒ Activity groups
⇒Social events
⇒Volunteer opportunities
What is a PAC?
The Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
- provides opportunities to educate parents about the BC Curriculum;
- provides opportunities to educate parents about how to help your student be a successful learner;
- provides opportunities to inform parents about activities happening in the school;
- involves parents in volunteer activities; and
- discusses the vision and aspirations of the whole school.
Who Can Become a Member of PAC?
All guardians of students registered in the school are able to participate and are members of the PAC.
How often will PAC meet?
The PAC will meet 4 times a year. Today is our first meeting.
In addition to PAC meetings, communication may also be done through newsletters, telephone, email, school social media and the school website so that all parents have the opportunity to participate.